Digital Gurus need not apply
Despite being relatively new to digital innovation and services, Dr Gill Horne outlines the difference the Topol Digital Fellowship has made to her and the people and families in the care of her Devon hospice team.
Watch Now: Putting people back at the heart of care
Watch the latest in our series of animated explainers – looking at the benefits of using Digital Social Care Records
One language for digital care records
The digitising social care programme (DiSC) has worked with people from across the sector to develop a single set of standard data and definitions to help care providers capture information in the same format, and label it the same way, across all care systems in England.
Infectious enthusiasm – the role of digital champions
Digital champions play an invaluable role in inspiring health and care professionals and the people they support, about the difference digital technology can make to delivering safer, more effective, personalised care. Become a digital champion - it could be you!
Digital power to the people who care
High-quality care planning is at the heart of delivering safer, more personalised care.
Care for tomorrow: Life-changing freedom
We spoke to Melody, a disabled woman in her twenties, who uses a power chair and relies on carers for support. She shared some insights into how digital technology has impacted her life.
2023 - a year of exciting progress (thanks to our digital teams across the regions)
Featuring the digital projects being delivered in the adult social care sector with funding from DHSCs digital social care programme, supported by ICSs.
National Children and Adult Services Conference 2023
Visit us at The National Children and Adults Services Conference, Bournemouth International Conference Centre (BIC) this week (29 November – 1 December).
Digital confidence to deliver digital success
Digital ways of working will only be helpful if people have the confidence to be able to use technology. Skills for Care has support available to help those in adult social care grow their digital confidence.