Department of Health and Social Care publish Care Data Matters roadmap
Press release from the Department of Health and Social Care and NHS England.
Access to good quality data, at the right time, benefits everyone. Working closely with NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care is committed to improving data and digital technologies, to unlock the potential of data and make a real difference.
To underpin this, 'Care data matters' was published today, setting out a roadmap for how DHSC and NHS England are transforming social care data. Updates to the 'Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework' have also been launched, which will apply from April 2023, to ensure it better captures the outcomes that matter most to people.
This builds on to the commitments made in the Health and Care Data Strategy 'Data Saves Lives' and the adult social care reform white paper ‘People at the Heart of Care’ to transform adult social care data. As part of this, DHSC are seeking the views of local authorities and others across the sector on the data needed to commission, deliver and oversee care and support; responses should be submitted by 31 July 2023.
‘Care data matters: a roadmap for better data for adult social care’ is deliberately ambitious in its aims for transformation. By improving the use of data and digital technologies, it can deliver:
- Better joined up care for people who draw on care and support
- More time and resources for people who provide and commission care and support
- Greater understanding of people’s care journeys
- Better management and oversight of the health and care system
Make your contribution to ‘Care data matters’ and improve our collective understanding of social care data today
Please fill in the Feedback Form if you are:
- An unpaid carer, an adult who draws on care and support, their friends, relatives and loved ones
- A care professional and others involved in delivering or commissioning care, including those in leadership roles, volunteers, local and central government staff, and researchers
Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash